Security Vessel News Roundup | July 11 – Russian Navy icebreaking patrol ship sea trials, Norwegian rescue boat order and more
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Marine and Environmental News Aggregator
Shipping data shows two suezmaxes docked on Wednesday, while Scorpio ship waited out the bad weather at its berth
Two are the records achieved by this flagship of the cement carrier fleet of NovaAlgoma, the joint venture between the…
Seattle-based maritime conglomerate keeps tanker experience at the top in diversifying M&A deal
Panamax World Diana suffered minor hull damage after taking turn too early
Greek shipowner adds to modern dry bulk fleet in deal with James Marshall’s Berge Bulk
Fund has returned 195% of invested capital back to investors
More than 50 tankers have been blacklisted by the US, UK and EU since October 2023
Brokers and analysts mull over the future for Pacific tankers as new Canadian pipeline changes the market